
Deaf Sports Australia

DeafACT is a member of Deaf Sport Australia (DSA), the peak body for all Deaf sport in Australia from managing Australia's participation in the Deaflympics and the Australian Deaf Games to grassroots participation such as the Active Deaf Kids (ADK) Program. You can find out more about DSA here. DeafACT highly endorses the work of the ADK program and encourages you to support their work, local Deaf and hard-of-hearing children benefit from it directly.

Deafness Forum

DeafACT is a member Deafness Forum, a peak body advocating and lobbying on behalf of deaf and hearing impaired people.

We support their campaign "Breaking the Sound Barrier" which aims to make deafness and hearing loss a top ten health priority for Australian governments. You can find out about this campaign here.

Deafness Resource Centre

DeafACT is grateful for the support of the Deafness Resource Centre (DRC). DRC have been very helpful over the years with the provision of rooms for functions as well as for the provision of all the resources they provide to the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community. You can check them out here.

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Member Portal
A group of our members