Our People

Executive Board


Lauren Reid

Vice President:

Jacob Clarke


Louise Irvine


Kellyanne Rosalion

Public Officer:

Kathe O'Brien

Committee Members

Vera Hall

Gavin Reid

Nicole Seifert

Ian Slinn

Are you interested in volunteering in the DeafACT committee? We welcome applications from members who are passionate about building our vibrant community. 

Committee involvement areas: 

  • Advocacy
  • Sports
  • Recreation

Sub-committee involvement areas (others can be added according to demand): 

  • Grants & Fundraising
  • IT & Website
  • Sports

Applicant requirements: 

  • You must be a financial member of DeafACT
  • You must have connections to the ACT Deaf community

Become a Member

Become a member of the DeafACT community

Member Portal
A group of our members